Some things make my blood boil, and a particular facebook update my hubby pointed out to me tonight is one of them!
An acquaintance of ours posted how annoyed she is at the cost of obstetric ultrasounds. WHAT???????????
This follows her pregnancy announcement a few weeks ago when she was 5 weeks along. Omg I could just..... Strangle her. I feel like yelling ( or posting back at her which I won't ) DO YOU REALISE HOW F'N LUCKY YOU ARE JUST TO BE PREGNANT SO EASILY???? She only went off the pill a month earlier. I actually saw her a few days after her announcement and held the congratulatory discussion complete with analysis of her little twinges of morning sickness.
It grates me and hubby just a little more that it's this particular couple... They married a week after us. They have a son, the same age as our first child *would* have been.
And now she's complaining about the cost of ultrasounds :-/