Thursday, September 27, 2012

Time flies when you're not preggo

So I'm not pregnant. Have you ever noticed how time flies when your waiting to get pregnant? Well, sort of. That 2ww can be agonizingly slow but everything else seems to just fly by. We're gearing up toward ovulation time again, day 11 today. I'm hoping my body does all the right things like last cycle when I KNEW I was ovulating. Being pregnant was slow. Counting the weeks, seemed to take FOREVER to finally get my bundle of joy. I realised this week that this coming Monday bubs will have been outside my body as long as she was inside it! She will be 37 weeks and six days old. And that's how long she was gestating away inside. it kinda makes me all nostalgic and more positive about another pregnancy. My mind is shifting from the ambivalence and fear, to more positive and hopeful, and lately I've been able to visualize another little face, a boy, to join our family. Whether that will happen or not time will tell, but its something I have only just started to imagine.

1 comment:

  1. People keep telling me, "Enjoy your pregnancy because it flies by!" Umm...not! It feels like it is taking FOREVER.
