Thursday, August 9, 2012

Another FB pregnancy announcement

An acquaintance and her hubby have just made their big announcement on their Facebook pages. Firstly there was a pic of the positive test with their comments announcing it, then an hour later there was a timeline describing its current size... Raspberry... So now it's nickname is raspberry. Also due date included. Then an ultrasound pic. Then the hubby put it out there that he wants to know what pregnancy cravings ppl have had. Ans today they announced that he's reading what to expect. I'm really happy for these guys, really I am. But do I want a daily or hourly update on their pregnancy? Ummmm nope. If I did I'd find their blog and subscribe to it! Am I being a bitch??? As for me and my news... Obviously I'm not pregnant! But probably not so obviously I'm actually ok with that. I have my hands full with my little miss and I swear she's showing signs of hyperactivity!! Is it possible to see signs of that at 7 months of age? She is pretty full on, cute, busy, loud, happy and loads of fun. Her first tooth started cutting through this week. She loves her food. Doesn't love to sleep too much!! I've read a couple of posts this week from fellow bloggers about troubles with in-laws. Now THAT is a topic and a half. My MIL isn't too bad but there's definitely a few issues. So that will be the topic of my next post...