Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The conception story

I've been thinking a bit lately on how our bub got here.... A year ago I had no idea she would be here with us. How things can change in a year!

But going back to the beginning....I never seemed to have too much difficulty getting pregnant. We got married August 2009, and "tried" for a few months,but nothing happened. My idea of trying then was to be off contraception, and having sex somewhere in the middle of my cycle. I didn't know if I was ovulating or not, and had an old diagnosis of PCOS which I hadn't had investigated very much. I really didn't think we would have kids.

Then in January 2010 (after 4 unsuccessful cycles) I charted for the first time. I had a perfect triphasic chart, with very obvious ovulation on CD 18, and a BFP on CD 30. I was stunned! It looked great. But at our first ultrasound there was no heartbeat and after taking misoprostol it ended.

I had 2 more pregnancies that year, which ended early. I'm pretty impressed that being in my 40s I was managing to get pregnant at all. We were advised to try IVF but I didn't really want to do that, but agreed to clomid in an attempt to ovulate earlier in the cycle. I did that in March last year, but no success. We couldn't do it the following cycle as we were going away on holidays to a remote location, and I didn't want to risk needing medical attention.

So we went on a TTC break, our first for almost 18 months (but kept taking metformin and prenatal vitamins). I stopped charting my cycle, had a few alcoholic drinks, and coffees (after abstaining for the last year) Went on a great holiday where I didn't have time to think about TTC, had fun, relaxed... And yes you guessed it, I came home PREGNANT. I am such a cliche!

AND it was no mean feat since it was an adventure/fund raising bush camping event with 400 other people and we only had a net tent that we shared with a friend. So we did the deed ONCE on the way there, when it rained buckets and we stayed at a friends place and had a bed.... Comfort and privacy! I still can't bring myself to tell my friend that without her kind hospitality, I would probably still be childless! One time, out of the whole 5 week trip. I still am amazed that this has happened, its gotta be some kind of a miracle.

After we were back home, my period was late, so I peed on a stick and literally couldn't believe my eyes at the result! Eight paranoid stress filled months later, after a relatively smooth pregnancy (besides having pelvic separation, and borderline blood pressure issues) and a "fun day" in the delivery ward (in the words of my fav midwife!) our miracle dream girl arrived. That day is for another post....

1 comment:

  1. You definitely are cliche - just relax and it will happen! :) I'm so sorry you had to go through the losses, but on the flip side I'm very happy you were given the gift of your miracle dream girl!
