Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Immunization day!

This morning bub had her immunisations and I think she was much braver than me! I have this phobia, I think I mentioned before, of reactions after taking medication, so after taking anything I sit there self monitoring for any signs of allergy!

I am all for immunisations. In fact, that is one important area in my (pre baby) work- I work in public health. I see what happens to those who are not immunized, and am grateful for our free immunisation program which some other countries don't have, where babies die from diseases they shouldn't be catching. Part of my job was trying to prevent outbreaks of disease in our region, and I was forever frustrated by people who didn't believe in immunisation. No offense if you don't believe in immunisation, but when you do your 'research' please make sure it comes from a credible source!

So with this in mind, we braved my old workplace, not for a social visit, but for 'business', and the person who is covering my job gave bub her needles. She only cried for a second, and then it was as if nothing happened! That's my brave girl!


  1. I think it's almost harder on the parents than the babies. I had to leave the room the first time, now I stay in but I can't watch. I hate needles! Glad she only cried for a second.

  2. Aw. Glad she did well with the needles. But shots are never fun! It always breaks my heart. Found you through PAIL. And I'm going to say a big old AMEN!!!!! to needing to immunize! :)
