Sunday, March 11, 2012

Picking godparents

We are planning bubs "dedication" which is our churches equivalent of a christening. Basically we have a short segment within the main church service where we acknowledge our beautiful gift from God, and dedicate her back to him, as a child of His, and dedicate ourselves to bringing her up well.

Not everyone chooses godparents but we wanted to. We chose a couple with 9 year old twins. These 2 individuals are amazing people, and have supported us and said all the right things throughout our battle to have a baby. They cried with us when we announced pregnancies (they were among the few friends we told) and cried with us and for us when we lost them.

My hubby asked them yesterday if they would be godparents, and broke down crying when he asked. Then they were crying, and I was crying, and we must have looked a bit silly, all four of us standing there smiling and crying!

So what made them so understanding of our ttc battle??? Well their twin boys are the result of their 13th try at IVF! Yep 13th. What more can I say?!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's awesome that they had the strength to attempt to bring a child (or children) into this world so many times. And how wonderful that they did because now they have two blessings. Sounds like you picked wonderful people to play an important role in your daughter's life.
