Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Another month, another 2ww

I'm at the end of another cycle. Which means its a month since I blogged!! Yep, pretty hopeless at blogging. Anyway.... Last month I didn't get pregnant. So here I am at the end of another 2ww overanalysing every little twinge and possible symptom. Sore boobs, a bad headache yesterday, slight constipation... All symptoms I had when I last got pregnant. And all premenstrual symptoms as well! So far I've restrained myself from buying a pregnancy test. My period is due today, and I'm constantly checking... But nothing yet! I wish I knew one way or the other ( but feel stupid testing and seeing the negative come up). Lord, give me patience!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh it's so hard to wait....I so wish there was a test that could tell you, yes you're pregnant the second it happens so the wait wouldn't be so long. Hoping for you!
